Sunday, July 20, 2008

Willing to lose your foot?

Everyone loves their foot. Regardless the foot/feet are good in playing football or not, the thing is no one willing to sell/lose their leg even for a million of dollar. Why? The answer is definitely already in your mind.

However there are some cases when you might lose your foot. The most famous reason is when your leg/foot committed to chronic wounds, complication from diabetic disease. When the wound becomes worst, the only solution to save your life is to lose your foot by amputation. Better lose foot rather than lose your life? Is it true? Once again, you answer on your own.

However, if there is a chance for you to save your foot, you are so STUPID if you let doctors cut your leg. That's why we introduce Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT), a biosurgical using sterile maggots/larvae to heal your wounds by debriding/cleansing the dead tissue or necrotic. This treatment is just appear to Malaysia, thanks a lot to our researchers who did their best to produce sterile maggots using local species of fly, named Lucilia cuprina.

You can visit our website, for further information of MDT and if you are the one who are in waiting list for amputation, do not hesitate to reach us. We try our best to help you.

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